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Scans files with YARA.


Name Type Description

Compiled YARA file derived from YARA rule file(s) in location.


location: Location of the YARA rules file or directory. Defaults to '/etc/strelka/yara/'. meta: List of YARA rule meta identifiers (e.g. 'Author') that should be logged. Defaults to empty list. store_offset: To extract hexacimal offsts. If true, YARA metadata will be examined for keys. If found, extract out hexadecimal reference lines offset_meta_key: To extract hexadecimal offsets. A string found in a YARA's meta (e.g., 'StrelkaHexDump = true') offset_padding: Padding length before and after offset match for context

Source code in strelka/src/python/strelka/scanners/
class ScanYara(strelka.Scanner):
    """Scans files with YARA.

        compiled_yara: Compiled YARA file derived from YARA rule file(s)
            in location.

        location: Location of the YARA rules file or directory.
            Defaults to '/etc/strelka/yara/'.
        meta: List of YARA rule meta identifiers
            (e.g. 'Author') that should be logged.
            Defaults to empty list.
        store_offset: To extract hexacimal offsts.
            If true, YARA metadata will be examined for
            keys. If found, extract out hexadecimal
            reference lines
        offset_meta_key: To extract hexadecimal offsets.
            A string found in a YARA's meta
            (e.g., 'StrelkaHexDump = true')
        offset_padding: Padding length before and after
            offset match for context

    def init(self):
        """Initializes the ScanYara class.

        Sets up the initial state for the scanner by ensuring that
        the compiled YARA rules are not set.
        self.compiled_yara = None
        self.loaded_configs = False
        self.rules_loaded = 0

        self.warn_user = False
        self.warned_user = False
        self.warn_message = ""

    def scan(self, data, file, options, expire_at):
        """Scans the provided data with YARA rules.

            data (bytes): The data to scan.
            file (File): An object representing the file being scanned.
            options (dict): Configuration options for the scan.
            expire_at (int): Expiration time for the scan.

        Populates self.event with matches, tags, meta, and hex data
        based on YARA rule matches.
        # Load YARA rules if not already loaded.
        # This prevents loading YARA rules on every execution.
        if not self.compiled_yara:
            if not self.compiled_yara:

        # Set the total rules loaded
        self.event["rules_loaded"] = self.rules_loaded

        # Load YARA configuration options only once.
        # This prevents loading the configs on every execution.
        if not self.loaded_configs:
            self.categories = options.get("categories", {})
            self.category_key = options.get("category_key", "")
            self.meta_fields = options.get("meta_fields", [])
            self.show_all_meta = options.get("show_all_meta", False)
            self.store_offset = options.get("store_offset", False)
            self.offset_meta_key = options.get("offset_meta_key", "")
            self.offset_padding = options.get("offset_padding", 32)
            self.loaded_configs = True

        # Initialize the event data structure.
        self.hex_dump_cache = {}
        self.event["matches"] = []
        self.event["tags"] = []
        self.event["meta"] = []
        self.event["hex"] = []

        # Match the data against the YARA rules.
        if self.compiled_yara:
            yara_matches = self.compiled_yara.match(data=data)
            for match in yara_matches:
                # add the rule and ruleset name to the category meta
                rule = {
                    "name": match.rule,
                    "ruleset": match.namespace,
                # include meta if its in the meta_fields list
                for k, v in match.meta.items():
                    if k.lower() in self.meta_fields:
                        rule.update({k.lower(): v})
                for category, params in self.categories.items():
                    if not self.event.get(category):
                        self.event[category] = []
                    # check if the category matches the category_key
                    if category in match.meta.get(self.category_key, "").lower():
                        # show meta for specific category if enabled
                        if params.get("show_meta", False):
                    # show meta for specific tag if present
                    # if category in list(map(str.lower, match.tags)):
                    #     self.event[category].append(rule)

                # Append rule matches and update tags.

                # Extract hex representation if configured to store offsets.
                if self.store_offset and self.offset_meta_key:
                    if match.meta.get(self.offset_meta_key):
                        for string_data in match.strings:
                            for instance in string_data.instances:
                                offset = instance.offset
                                matched_string = instance.matched_data

                # Append meta information if configured to do so
                if self.show_all_meta:
                    for k, v in match.meta.items():
                            {"rule": match.rule, "identifier": k, "value": v}

            # De-duplicate tags.
            self.event["tags"] = list(set(self.event["tags"]))

    def load_yara_rules(self, options):
        """Loads YARA rules based on the provided path.

            options (dict): Configuration options specifying the
            location of YARA rules.

        Loads a compiled YARA ruleset or compiles YARA rules either
        from a specified file or from a directory. If there's an issue
        with compilation, flags are set to indicate any
        compilation / loading errors.
        # Retrieve location of YARA rules.
        location = options.get("location", "/etc/strelka/yara/")
        compiled = options.get("compiled", {"enabled": False})

            # Load compiled YARA rules from a file.
            if compiled.get("enabled", False):
                self.compiled_yara = yara.load(
                    os.path.join(location, compiled.get("filename", "rules.compiled"))
        except yara.Error as e:
            self.warn_user = True

            # Compile YARA rules from a directory.
            if not self.compiled_yara:
                if os.path.isdir(location):
                    globbed_yara_paths = glob.iglob(
                        f"{location}/**/*.yar*", recursive=True
                    if not globbed_yara_paths:
                    yara_filepaths = {
                        f"namespace_{i}": entry
                        for (i, entry) in enumerate(globbed_yara_paths)
                    self.compiled_yara = yara.compile(filepaths=yara_filepaths)
                # Compile YARA rules from a single file.
                elif os.path.isfile(location):
                    self.compiled_yara = yara.compile(filepath=location)
                    self.warn_user = True
                    self.warn_message = "YARA Location Not Found"

        except yara.SyntaxError as e:
            self.warn_user = True
            self.warn_message = str(e)

        except yara.Error as e:
            self.warn_user = True
            self.warn_message = str(e)

        # Set the total rules loaded.
        if self.compiled_yara:
            self.rules_loaded = len(list(self.compiled_yara))

        if not self.compiled_yara:
            if not self.warned_user and self.warn_user:
                    "* WARNING: YARA File Loading Issue Detected     *\n"
                    "There was an issue loading the compiled YARA file. Please check that all YARA rules can be\n"
                    "successfully compiled. Additionally, verify the 'ScanYara' configuration in Backend.yaml to\n"
                    "ensure the targeted path is correct. This issue needs to be resolved for proper scanning\n"
                    f"Error: {self.warn_message}\n"
                self.warned_user = True

    def extract_match_hex(self, rule, offset, matched_string, data, offset_padding=32):
        Extracts a hex dump of a matched string in the data, with padding.

        This function retrieves a hex dump of the specified matched string within
        the data. It also provides additional context around the matched string
        by adding padding before and after the match. The total padding (i.e., the
        sum of before and after) is defined by the `offset_padding` parameter, which
        is split evenly on either side of the matched string. If the padding would
        go beyond the start or end of the data, it's adjusted to fit within the data's

        - rule (str): Name of the YARA rule that triggered the match.
        - offset (int): Start offset of the matched string in the data.
        - matched_string (str): The actual string in the data that matched the YARA rule.
        - data (bytes): The file data being scanned.
        - offset_padding (int, optional): Total number of bytes to include as padding
        around the matched string in the hex dump. Defaults to 32.

        - Appends a dictionary containing the rule name and hex dump to self.event["hex"].

        # Calculate half of the total padding to distribute evenly on either side of the match.
        # This is to add context to the match. It's recommended to keep this low (16 bytes)
        half_padding = offset_padding // 2

        # Determine the starting and ending offsets for the hex dump, ensuring we stay within data bounds.
        start_offset = max(offset - half_padding, 0)
        end_offset = min(offset + len(matched_string) + half_padding, len(data))

        # Create a list to store the hex representation lines
        hex_lines = []

        # Loop through the specified data range in 16-byte chunks to generate the hex dump
        for i in range(start_offset, end_offset, 16):
            # If this chunk hasn't been processed before, generate its hex and ASCII representations
            if i not in self.hex_dump_cache:
                chunk = data[i : i + 16]

                # Convert each byte in the chunk to its hexadecimal representation and join them with spaces.
                # E.g., a chunk [65, 66, 67] would become the string "41 42 43"
                hex_values = " ".join([f"{byte:02x}" for byte in chunk])

                # Generate an ASCII representation for each byte in the chunk:
                # - Use the character itself if it's a printable ASCII character (between 32 and 126 inclusive).
                # - Replace non-printable characters with a period ('.').
                # E.g., a chunk [65, 66, 0] would become the string "AB."
                ascii_values = "".join(
                    [chr(byte) if 32 <= byte <= 126 else "." for byte in chunk]

                # Cache the generated hex and ASCII values to avoid redundant computation in the future
                self.hex_dump_cache[i] = (hex_values, ascii_values)
                hex_values, ascii_values = self.hex_dump_cache[i]

            # Generate a formatted string for this chunk and add to our hex_lines list
            hex_lines.append(f"{i:08x}  {hex_values:<47}  {ascii_values}")

        # Append the generated hex dump and rule information to the event
        self.event["hex"].append({"rule": rule, "dump": hex_lines})


Initializes the ScanYara class.

Sets up the initial state for the scanner by ensuring that the compiled YARA rules are not set.

Source code in strelka/src/python/strelka/scanners/
def init(self):
    """Initializes the ScanYara class.

    Sets up the initial state for the scanner by ensuring that
    the compiled YARA rules are not set.
    self.compiled_yara = None
    self.loaded_configs = False
    self.rules_loaded = 0

    self.warn_user = False
    self.warned_user = False
    self.warn_message = ""

scan(data, file, options, expire_at)

Scans the provided data with YARA rules.


Name Type Description Default
data bytes

The data to scan.

file File

An object representing the file being scanned.

options dict

Configuration options for the scan.

expire_at int

Expiration time for the scan.


Populates self.event with matches, tags, meta, and hex data based on YARA rule matches.

Source code in strelka/src/python/strelka/scanners/
def scan(self, data, file, options, expire_at):
    """Scans the provided data with YARA rules.

        data (bytes): The data to scan.
        file (File): An object representing the file being scanned.
        options (dict): Configuration options for the scan.
        expire_at (int): Expiration time for the scan.

    Populates self.event with matches, tags, meta, and hex data
    based on YARA rule matches.
    # Load YARA rules if not already loaded.
    # This prevents loading YARA rules on every execution.
    if not self.compiled_yara:
        if not self.compiled_yara:

    # Set the total rules loaded
    self.event["rules_loaded"] = self.rules_loaded

    # Load YARA configuration options only once.
    # This prevents loading the configs on every execution.
    if not self.loaded_configs:
        self.categories = options.get("categories", {})
        self.category_key = options.get("category_key", "")
        self.meta_fields = options.get("meta_fields", [])
        self.show_all_meta = options.get("show_all_meta", False)
        self.store_offset = options.get("store_offset", False)
        self.offset_meta_key = options.get("offset_meta_key", "")
        self.offset_padding = options.get("offset_padding", 32)
        self.loaded_configs = True

    # Initialize the event data structure.
    self.hex_dump_cache = {}
    self.event["matches"] = []
    self.event["tags"] = []
    self.event["meta"] = []
    self.event["hex"] = []

    # Match the data against the YARA rules.
    if self.compiled_yara:
        yara_matches = self.compiled_yara.match(data=data)
        for match in yara_matches:
            # add the rule and ruleset name to the category meta
            rule = {
                "name": match.rule,
                "ruleset": match.namespace,
            # include meta if its in the meta_fields list
            for k, v in match.meta.items():
                if k.lower() in self.meta_fields:
                    rule.update({k.lower(): v})
            for category, params in self.categories.items():
                if not self.event.get(category):
                    self.event[category] = []
                # check if the category matches the category_key
                if category in match.meta.get(self.category_key, "").lower():
                    # show meta for specific category if enabled
                    if params.get("show_meta", False):
                # show meta for specific tag if present
                # if category in list(map(str.lower, match.tags)):
                #     self.event[category].append(rule)

            # Append rule matches and update tags.

            # Extract hex representation if configured to store offsets.
            if self.store_offset and self.offset_meta_key:
                if match.meta.get(self.offset_meta_key):
                    for string_data in match.strings:
                        for instance in string_data.instances:
                            offset = instance.offset
                            matched_string = instance.matched_data

            # Append meta information if configured to do so
            if self.show_all_meta:
                for k, v in match.meta.items():
                        {"rule": match.rule, "identifier": k, "value": v}

        # De-duplicate tags.
        self.event["tags"] = list(set(self.event["tags"]))


Loads YARA rules based on the provided path.


Name Type Description Default
options dict

Configuration options specifying the


Loads a compiled YARA ruleset or compiles YARA rules either from a specified file or from a directory. If there's an issue with compilation, flags are set to indicate any compilation / loading errors.

Source code in strelka/src/python/strelka/scanners/
def load_yara_rules(self, options):
    """Loads YARA rules based on the provided path.

        options (dict): Configuration options specifying the
        location of YARA rules.

    Loads a compiled YARA ruleset or compiles YARA rules either
    from a specified file or from a directory. If there's an issue
    with compilation, flags are set to indicate any
    compilation / loading errors.
    # Retrieve location of YARA rules.
    location = options.get("location", "/etc/strelka/yara/")
    compiled = options.get("compiled", {"enabled": False})

        # Load compiled YARA rules from a file.
        if compiled.get("enabled", False):
            self.compiled_yara = yara.load(
                os.path.join(location, compiled.get("filename", "rules.compiled"))
    except yara.Error as e:
        self.warn_user = True

        # Compile YARA rules from a directory.
        if not self.compiled_yara:
            if os.path.isdir(location):
                globbed_yara_paths = glob.iglob(
                    f"{location}/**/*.yar*", recursive=True
                if not globbed_yara_paths:
                yara_filepaths = {
                    f"namespace_{i}": entry
                    for (i, entry) in enumerate(globbed_yara_paths)
                self.compiled_yara = yara.compile(filepaths=yara_filepaths)
            # Compile YARA rules from a single file.
            elif os.path.isfile(location):
                self.compiled_yara = yara.compile(filepath=location)
                self.warn_user = True
                self.warn_message = "YARA Location Not Found"

    except yara.SyntaxError as e:
        self.warn_user = True
        self.warn_message = str(e)

    except yara.Error as e:
        self.warn_user = True
        self.warn_message = str(e)

    # Set the total rules loaded.
    if self.compiled_yara:
        self.rules_loaded = len(list(self.compiled_yara))

    if not self.compiled_yara:
        if not self.warned_user and self.warn_user:
                "* WARNING: YARA File Loading Issue Detected     *\n"
                "There was an issue loading the compiled YARA file. Please check that all YARA rules can be\n"
                "successfully compiled. Additionally, verify the 'ScanYara' configuration in Backend.yaml to\n"
                "ensure the targeted path is correct. This issue needs to be resolved for proper scanning\n"
                f"Error: {self.warn_message}\n"
            self.warned_user = True

extract_match_hex(rule, offset, matched_string, data, offset_padding=32)

Extracts a hex dump of a matched string in the data, with padding.

This function retrieves a hex dump of the specified matched string within the data. It also provides additional context around the matched string by adding padding before and after the match. The total padding (i.e., the sum of before and after) is defined by the offset_padding parameter, which is split evenly on either side of the matched string. If the padding would go beyond the start or end of the data, it's adjusted to fit within the data's bounds.

Args: - rule (str): Name of the YARA rule that triggered the match. - offset (int): Start offset of the matched string in the data. - matched_string (str): The actual string in the data that matched the YARA rule. - data (bytes): The file data being scanned. - offset_padding (int, optional): Total number of bytes to include as padding around the matched string in the hex dump. Defaults to 32.

Returns: - Appends a dictionary containing the rule name and hex dump to self.event["hex"].

Source code in strelka/src/python/strelka/scanners/
def extract_match_hex(self, rule, offset, matched_string, data, offset_padding=32):
    Extracts a hex dump of a matched string in the data, with padding.

    This function retrieves a hex dump of the specified matched string within
    the data. It also provides additional context around the matched string
    by adding padding before and after the match. The total padding (i.e., the
    sum of before and after) is defined by the `offset_padding` parameter, which
    is split evenly on either side of the matched string. If the padding would
    go beyond the start or end of the data, it's adjusted to fit within the data's

    - rule (str): Name of the YARA rule that triggered the match.
    - offset (int): Start offset of the matched string in the data.
    - matched_string (str): The actual string in the data that matched the YARA rule.
    - data (bytes): The file data being scanned.
    - offset_padding (int, optional): Total number of bytes to include as padding
    around the matched string in the hex dump. Defaults to 32.

    - Appends a dictionary containing the rule name and hex dump to self.event["hex"].

    # Calculate half of the total padding to distribute evenly on either side of the match.
    # This is to add context to the match. It's recommended to keep this low (16 bytes)
    half_padding = offset_padding // 2

    # Determine the starting and ending offsets for the hex dump, ensuring we stay within data bounds.
    start_offset = max(offset - half_padding, 0)
    end_offset = min(offset + len(matched_string) + half_padding, len(data))

    # Create a list to store the hex representation lines
    hex_lines = []

    # Loop through the specified data range in 16-byte chunks to generate the hex dump
    for i in range(start_offset, end_offset, 16):
        # If this chunk hasn't been processed before, generate its hex and ASCII representations
        if i not in self.hex_dump_cache:
            chunk = data[i : i + 16]

            # Convert each byte in the chunk to its hexadecimal representation and join them with spaces.
            # E.g., a chunk [65, 66, 67] would become the string "41 42 43"
            hex_values = " ".join([f"{byte:02x}" for byte in chunk])

            # Generate an ASCII representation for each byte in the chunk:
            # - Use the character itself if it's a printable ASCII character (between 32 and 126 inclusive).
            # - Replace non-printable characters with a period ('.').
            # E.g., a chunk [65, 66, 0] would become the string "AB."
            ascii_values = "".join(
                [chr(byte) if 32 <= byte <= 126 else "." for byte in chunk]

            # Cache the generated hex and ASCII values to avoid redundant computation in the future
            self.hex_dump_cache[i] = (hex_values, ascii_values)
            hex_values, ascii_values = self.hex_dump_cache[i]

        # Generate a formatted string for this chunk and add to our hex_lines list
        hex_lines.append(f"{i:08x}  {hex_values:<47}  {ascii_values}")

    # Append the generated hex dump and rule information to the event
    self.event["hex"].append({"rule": rule, "dump": hex_lines})


The features of this scanner are detailed below. These features represent the capabilities and the type of analysis the scanner can perform. This may include support for Indicators of Compromise (IOC), the ability to emit files for further analysis, and the presence of extended documentation for complex analysis techniques.

IOC Support
Emit Files
Extended Docs
Malware Scanner
Image Thumbnails


Strelka's file distribution system assigns scanners to files based on 'flavors' and 'tastes'. Flavors describe the type of file, typically determined by MIME types from libmagic, matches from YARA rules, or characteristics of parent files. Tastes are the criteria used within Strelka to determine which scanners are applied to which files, with positive and negative tastes defining files to be included or excluded respectively.

Source Filetype
Include / Exclude

Scanner Fields

This section provides a list of fields that are extracted from the files processed by this scanner. These fields include the data elements that the scanner extracts from each file, representing the analytical results produced by the scanner. If the test file is missing or cannot be parsed, this section will not contain any data.

Field Name
Field Type

Sample Event

Below is a sample event generated by this scanner, demonstrating the kind of output that can be expected when it processes a file. This sample is derived from a mock scan event configured in the scanner's test file. If no test file is available, this section will not display a sample event.

    test_scan_event = {
        "elapsed": 0.001,
        "flags": [],
        "hex": [],
        "matches": ["test", "hex_extraction_test", "meta_test"],
        "meta": 0.001,
        "rules_loaded": 3,
        "tags": [],