
Overriding Type Class Instances

April 2020

by Daniel Winograd-Cort

I read a post by Cary Robbins titled Overriding Type Class Instances that describes a clever way to derive custom type class instances for types using some type-level programming tricks and the DerivingVia extension. It struck me that row-types should be able to do nearly the same thing almost for free, and I took it as a challenge to see if I could make it work. It required a minor change to the library (the addition of a specialized coerce function for records), but otherwise it was quite straightforward.


Extensions and imports for this Literate Haskell file ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module OverridingTypeClassInstances where -- Note that `Data.Row.Aeson` is not exported my the row-types library and -- currently lives in the src\aeson directory. You must put it in an -- appropriate place and make sure to have `aeson` in your environment in order -- to use this module. import Data.Aeson (ToJSON(..)) import Data.Char (ord, toUpper) import Data.Coerce import Data.Row import Data.Row.Aeson () import qualified Data.Row.Records as Rec import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Text import GHC.Generics (Generic) newtype Uptext = Uptext { unUptext :: Text } instance ToJSON Uptext where toJSON = toJSON . Text.toUpper . unUptext newtype CharArray = CharArray { unCharArray :: String } instance ToJSON CharArray where toJSON = toJSON . map (:[]) . unCharArray ```

Cary’s result looks like the following:

data MyRec = MyRec
  { foo :: Int
  , bar :: String
  , baz :: Text
  } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic)
    deriving (ToJSON)
      via Override MyRec
            '[ String `As` CharArray
             , "baz" `As` Uptext

The idea here is that the MyRec data type can have a ToJSON instance where all String fields are encoded using the ToJSON functionality of the CharArray type class and the baz field is encoded using the ToJSON of Uptext. The rest of Cary’s post describes how he accomplishes this.

With row-types, it’s currently not possible to do a wholesale modification based on types, but we certainly have machinery for modifying individual fields. Thus instead, I propose a slightly different syntax, this time based on row-types operators:

data MyRec = MyRec
  { foo :: Int
  , bar :: String
  , baz :: Text
  } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic)
    deriving (ToJSON)
      via Override MyRec (
           "bar" .== CharArray
        .+ "baz" .== Uptext)


The Override type is actually very simple:

newtype Override t (mods :: Row *) = Override { unOverride :: t }

A value of type Override t mods is a value of type t that will have certain fields overridden according to mods. The key is in how we define the ToJSON instance for Override:

  ( ρ  Rec.NativeRow t
  , ρ'  mods .// ρ
  , BiForall ρ ρ' Coercible
  , Rec.FromNative t
  , Forall ρ' ToJSON
  ) => ToJSON (Override t mods) where
  toJSON = toJSON . Rec.coerceRec @ρ @ρ' . Rec.fromNative . unOverride

This may look a little intimidating, so let’s take it piece by piece. I’ll start with unOverride and work through the composed functions, calling out elements of the context as they become relevant and necessary.

Phew! What does that all mean? It means we can take a value of type t, convert it to a row-types record, coerce any internal types to newtypes with ToJSON instances we prefer, and then produce the JSON of the result all in one go. And it works! It’s true that the instance definition is a little hairy, but thankfully we don’t need to mess around with any Generic code.

Exploring Overrides

Cary defines an override shorthand and then proceeds to demo some examples. I’ll do the same.

-- | A version of 'Override' that accepts first the value and then the mods type.
override :: a -> (forall mods. Override a mods)
override = Override

Now we can write statements in GHCi like:

> v = MyRec 3 "foo" "text"
> encode $ override v @Empty

> encode $ override v @("bar" .== CharArray .+ "baz" .== Uptext)

We also get pretty good type errors when we do things wrong. For instance, if we try to override the same field more than once:

> encode $ override v @("bar" .== CharArray .+ "bar" .== String)
<interactive>:4:1: error:
    • The label "bar" has conflicting assignments.
      Its type is both CharArray and String.
    • In the expression:
        encode $ override v @("bar" .== CharArray .+ "bar" .== String)
      In an equation for ‘it’:
            = encode $ override v @("bar" .== CharArray .+ "bar" .== IntChar)

Alternatively, if you try to coerce to a type that’s not coercible, you’ll get a good error:

> encode $ override v @("bar" .== Int)
<interactive>:5:1: error:
    • Couldn't match representation of type ‘[Char]’ with that of ‘Int’
        arising from a use of ‘encode’
    • In the expression: encode $ override v @("bar" .== Int)
      In an equation for ‘it’: it = encode $ override v @("bar" .== Int)

Achievements and Limitations

With a simple newtype and a one-line ToJSON instance (the implementation of the instance is a simple one line, although I’ll admit the context takes a few more), we’ve been able to recreate most of the expressiveness of generic-override. Of course, generic-override has one feature that we don’t: namely, being able to override all fields of a particular type in one go. I can definitely see the use for this feature—for instance, making sure all Text fields are encoded in a consistent, perhaps more concise, way—but I don’t see a way to do it elegantly with row-types at this time.1

But we do gain for what we’ve given up. Without needing a ValidateOverride type class, we have clear restrictions (and informative error messages) that prevent us from duplicate overriding. Additionally, we of course have all the other benefits of row-types.

1: If/When GHC adopts the ability to use simple, unsaturated type families, this will become possible. For instance, one could write something like

type family ToUptext t where
  ToUptext Text = Uptext
  ToUptext x = x

and then make the override modifications: Rec.Map ToUptext (Rec.NativeRow MyRec). This in itself is still slightly ugly, but unsaturated type families give us the ability to write more higher-order type functions, such as a row-types Filter. From there, it’s a brief hop to a type-level function FieldsOfTo MyRec Text Uptext which would produce a row-type containing all of the fields of MyRec that had the type Text, now with the type Uptext. Just .+ that with any other type modifications you want to make, and you’re all set.