
Lucene regular expression tester

What is LUCkyRegex?

This tool allows you to test your Lucene regular expressions using Lucene's engine. While there are similarities, Lucene does not use the Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE) library. You may find this tool helpful when testing regular expressions used within Elasticsearch or Kibana, as they utilize Lucene's regular expression engine.

A useful regular expression reference is available here.

How are Lucene regular expressions different?

There are numerous differences, but the biggest are:

  • Your regular expression must cover the entire text.
  • Start and end-of line operators ($ and ^) are not supported.
  • Certain character classes are not supported. Examples are \d, \w, \s for digit, word character, and whitespace, respectively.
  • Lucene regex does not support flags such as /g, /i, etc.

How does it work?

LUCkyRegex is built with .NET, WASM, and